Policies, Rules and Expectations


SUBJECT:  Policies, Rules and Expectations of  AFJROTC Students

1.  It is yet another academic year where we, the teachers, look forward to continuing the process of preparing students for the future.  We want to do everything we can to ensure all our cadets are successful.  To that end, cadets are expected to follow these basic classroom rules and routines.  These, and others, are covered in more detail in the AFJROTC Cadet Handbook, which is maintained in the classroom or you can view it online at  https://www.gwd50.org/apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=1684778&type=d&pREC_ID=1833288.

     a.  COME TO CLASS ON TIME.  Cadets will enter the classroom in a controlled manner, place all possessions except JROTC materials under their assigned desk, and stand next to their seat until the tardy bell rings. Cadets arriving after the tardy bell must lightly tap on the door and a designated person will open the door.  All cadets arriving to class 10 or more minutes late will be reported as absent.  Once the tardy bell rings, all students will cease talking and come to the position of PARADE REST.  As the Cadet Squadron/Flight Commander enters the classroom, the Cadet Squadron First/Flight Sergeant will call the squadron/flight to ATTENTION.  Once in position, the Cadet Squadron/Flight Commander will give the command PARADE REST, then attendance reporting procedures will follow. 

     b.  COME TO CLASS PREPARED.  Cadets should always have the following materials for class:  three ring binder or loose leaf notebook paper, pencil, and a ball point pen with black or blue ink.  These are the minimum tools each cadet must have in their possession for this class.  We are not funded to supply cadets with basic school supplies.

     c.  BE RESPECTFUL AND POSITIVE.  At all times cadets are expected to respect themselves, their classmates, and their instructors.  Negative comments, excessive talking, wearing hats, use of inappropriate language, etc., will not be tolerated. 

     d.  WAIT FOR INSTRUCTOR TO DISMISS CLASS.  Cadets will remain in their assigned positions until the dismissal bell rings.  At the end of the class,  The Cadet Squadron/Flight Commander will call the squadron to ATTENTION and then give the order SQUADRON/FLIGHT DISMISSED.  Cadets will exit the classroom in an orderly manner.   

     e.  KEEP THE CLASSROOM CLEAN AND ORDERLY.   Writing on desks, throwing paper and other objects, leaving paper on the floor or in the desk, etc., will not be tolerated.  Additionally, cadets are not allowed to sit on top of ANY desk or other furniture and will never use the instructor’s desk, chair, stool, or lectern unless directed to do so.

     f.  DO  NOT BRING GUM, FOOD, DRINKS, AND/OR CANDY INTO THE CLASSROOM.  Gum chewing in the classroom is not allowed.  Also, the possession or eating of food within the classroom is forbidden.  Cadets are restricted from bringing in or drinking of any beverage within the classroom except for athletes participating in the Cross Country program.  Water bottles must be see through.

     g.  USE THE RESTROOM BEFORE OR AFTER CLASS.   Cadets will be released from class to go to the restroom only in case of an emergency.  Cadets exiting the classroom for any reason before the bell must have a hall pass.   

      h.  COMPLETE MAKE-UP WORK WITHIN FIVE (5) DAYS.  Returning from an absence, cadets have five days to make-up test or classwork.  Failure to make-up test, assignments or classwork within five school days after the cadet returns will result in a “zero” grade.  It is the cadets’ responsibility to ask for make-up work.
             (1) All cadets will be issued a complete Air Force JROTC uniform at no cost.  Basic information regarding the issuance and maintenance of the uniform can be found at Attachment 1.  THIS FORM MUST BE SIGNED BY THE CADET'S PARENT/GUARDIAN AND RETURNED TO SMSGT ST. JEAN.  IT IS A GRADED REQUIREMENT.
            (2)  We cannot over-emphasize the need for cadets to properly take care of the uniform.  With the exception of the shirt, all uniform items must be dry-celaned.  Placing uniform items in the washer will damage them beyond repair and they must be replaced.  Lost or damaged uniform items will result in a charge to the student.  Replacement cost range from $11.00 for a hat to $250.00 for the entire uniform.  Additionally, each cadet is issued a clean uniform and when it is returned to us, it must be cleaned.  You do have the option of returning the uniform along with $20 and we will have it professionally cleaned.  If the uniform is returned with a foul odor, dirty, or wrinkled, $20 will be charged to your school account for professional dry cleaning.
            (3)  Cadets are required to wear their uniform every Wednesday unless otherwise directed by the AFJROTC Department.  Cadets, who are present in school but fail to wear their uniform on the prescribed day, may wear the uniform the next day for a maximum of 80 points.  If not worn on this day, the cadet will receive a zero for that week’s inspection grade.  Any further failures to wear the uniform will result in a grade of zero.  If you are absent on the scheduled uniform day, you must wear the uniform on the first day that week that you return to school.  Failure to wear the uniform on the first day you return to school after an excused absence is a non-wear and the above rules will apply.  Cadets who change out of their uniform during the day without permission of an AFJROTC instructor will receive a grade no higher than a 60 for the day.  NOTE:  Cadets who fail to wear the uniform two or more times in a quarter will receive a failing grade for the quarter.  Cadets who fail to wear the uniform four or more times during two consecutive quarters will receive a failing grade for the semester or academic year and will be required to return their uniform.

      j.   PHYSICAL FITNESS TRAINING.  Physical training is normally conducted on Fridays.  Cadets receive two grades; one for PT uniform wear (JROTC t-shirt and shorts, white socks, and tennis shoes), and the other for participation and progress in the program.  Cadets who do not wear the appropriate clothing or refuse to participate will receive a zero for the day.  Only cadets with a valid medical excuse are exempt from participation but will be required to help with other duties as designated by the instructor or flight physical training leaders.  Cadets who fail to dress out or refuse to participate for two consecutive weeks will receive zeros and be referred to an administrator for In-School Suspension.  Any days exceeding two may result in Out-of-School Suspension.

      k.  ASK FOR ASSISTANCE.  Help is always available for cadets who need additional assistance.  Cadets are encouraged to contact a JROTC instructor before or after school for assistance.

2.  Cadets, if you keep these expectations in mind, you are likely to succeed.  We want to do everything we can to ensure your success, but it starts with you.  Let’s work together to have a great semester!  Parents, we look forward to working with your child this school semester/year.  We have outlined our expectations to your cadet because we want to see them succeed.  Please support us in our efforts.  We appreciate your involvement in your child’s learning so if you have any concerns about their progress, we will be glad to set up conferences at your convenience.  Feel free to contact us between 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. at 941-3454